今回は カナダ アメリカ地球儀探検です。  イタリア地球儀探検 地球のうらがわ探検も見てね!

Giant Globe in Vancouver, Canada


We arrived at Vancouver, Canada to see Giant Globe. You can see luxurious cruisers to go to Alaska from this pier.

ウォーターフロントにあるこの高層ビルが目印です。この高層ビルの左隣にバンクーバー コンベンションセンターがあります。2010年のバンクーバー冬季オリンピックとパラリンピック期間中はメディアセンターとプレスセンターが置かれていました。現在も当時のオリンピック記念のディスプレイ(メダルやトーチなど)を見ることが出来ます。写真手前にある巨大なオリンピックトーチがモニュメントとして残っています。このモニュメントは「Cauldron=大鍋」と呼ばれており、オリンピック開催中は聖火が灯っていたそうです。
→Vancouver Convention Centre

Although Vancouver Convention Centre is left side next to this skyscraper, Giant Globe is in it. They used this place as Media Center & Press center, during The Olympic Games at 2010 Vancuver. In this photo you can see a huge Olympic torch in front of Vancouver Convention Centre.This huge Olympic torch is called Cauldron.

このバンクーバー コンベンションセンターに入ってみましょう。いきなりですが、すごい迫力です。ジャイアントグローブ(Giant Globe)です。直径はなんと18-foot (5.4-meter) もあります。しかも地軸の傾き(23.5度)もついています。

You can see the Giant Globe here. So big and attractive! It has 18-foot diameter. And also it has the angle of 23.5 degrees of earth's axis.


It is rotating automatically once in 1 minute.
→See the Giant Globe rotating


This globe has 24 flourescent light bulbs inside it.
→See the Giant Globe rotating

これを作っているのはオルビス ワールド グローブス社(Orbis World Globes)。そのカイルさん(Mr.Kyle Hall)が説明をしてくれました。ジャイアントグローブを説明している彼もジャイアント!で身長が186cmもあります。

This Giant Globe was made by Orbis World Globes. Mr.Kyle Hall of this company explained us about the detail of Giant Globe. He is very giant as well, he is 6'2" tall !

ジャイアントグローブの球体を作っているアメリカ・シアトルにあるレニエインダストリー社(Rainier Industries)の大きな工場に案内してもらいました。工場内にはジャイアントグローブの表面を印刷する10M以上の印刷幅のある巨大なインクジェットプリンターや、シートを熱で融着させる、やはり巨大な融着装置を見ることが出来ました。工場内は撮影禁止のためそれらをお見せすることができないのが残念です。

He toured us to the factory(Rainier Industries)where they print Giant Globes with huge ink-jet printing machine. I'm sorry for not showing you inside of this factory, because of "no photos" policy of this factory.


In addition, he had the method of various use of Giant Globe shown. The Giant Glove is shouldered like a mikoshi all together.



Giant Globe here is decorated in the large space at the entrance of a building. The diameter of a ball can be made from a size free from 1M to 10M.


これらのジャイアントグローブ(Giant Globe)は全てオーダーメード(注文生産)となっています。こちらのジャイアントグローブは屋根の形や正面のウィンドウの形にもぴったり合っていて建物の一部のように納まっています。

These Giant Globes are ordered (production by order) altogether. The giant glove here also suits the form of a roof, and the form of the front window well, and is settled like of the building.



If lighting is put into the inside of a ball, it can exhibit effectively more beautifully.


球の表面の衛星画像はNASAの衛星画像やUS GOES、そして日本のGMS衛星などのデータを元に作成されています。

The satellite imagery of the surface of a ball is created based on the data of NASA, US GOES, the GMS satellite in Japan, etc.



It can use by a floor stand system besides a hanging system.



Designs, such as a color of the surface of a ball and a design, can be created freely. This carried out the color coordination with the theme color of a certain campaign, and became the earth of the same pink as a T-shirt etc.



These Giant Globe can be applied for manufacture by GLOBE SHOP in Japan.
→Giant Globe

こちらは東京日本橋の地球儀専門店でご覧になれる直径1Mのアースボールです。これもORBIS WORLD GLOBES社の製品です。

This is a EARTH BALL of the diameter 1M which can be seen in the GLOBE SHOP in Tokyo Nihonbashi. This is also a product of ORBIS WORLD GLOBES.

→City Of Victoria

It was wonderful fine weather. I have extended my trip on that day to Victoria which is capital of the State of British Columbia. It is a very beautiful town as it is called Garden City.


It is beautiful wherever it may see of a town. Everybody is enjoying the walk.

→The Butchart Gardens

This is Butchart Gardens. It is a beautiful garden known also globally. Five gardens, main garden, The Rose Garden, a Japanese garden, Italian garden, and the Mediterranean garden, spread out calmly to the large site. The small yard which Mrs.Butchart began serves as historic relics of a country 100 years after, and 1 million or more persons came to visit every year.


The aquatic plant has made the beautiful flower bloom also in the pond of the depressed ground.


It is said that Mrs.Butchart was begun from planting sweet peas and roses.


Now 100 years after, such many kinds of flowers are in bloom there.


Many beautiful flowers are in bloom.

「武士道」の著者で知られる新渡戸稲造博士の新渡戸記念庭園がありました。以前の5千円札肖像でも知られていますね。「BUSHIDO(ぶしどう) THE SOUL OF JAPAN」は、最初英語で発刊されその後多くの国で翻訳され、世界中で読まれています。そして日本文化や日本人への理解に大きく貢献したと言われています。
→Nitobe Memorial Garden

There was a Nitobe commemoration garden of Dr. Nitobeinazo known for the author of "Bushido".


Dr. Nitobeinazo successively held the League of Nations deputy secretary generals of the Supreme Court, and he did his best peacefully the world.


His hometown Morioka and Victoria are a sister city.


It is lunch at a Japanese meal restaurant. Does the Japanese-style dish of Canada differ from Japanese food for a while?


The Japanese dish of the Canada style is pleasant. Sushi and wine is a good match!


©2001 Globe Shop